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WhatsApp Plans New Feature for Web Client

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WhatsApp is developing a new feature for its web client that allows users to add notes to contacts. This feature is still being worked on and will be available in an upcoming update, as per WBI. It will let users include personal details for each contact, which is very useful for business accounts.

This helps them remember important details about their customers like past conversations and individual preferences. Recently, WhatsApp tested this feature in an update for the Android beta version. The latest update showed that users could add specific messages directly to notes. This feature will help businesses by allowing them to note important information about customer interactions.

The new feature will have a text field on the chat information screen for users to write notes. This will be part of a future update for WhatsApp Web. For businesses, being able to write down important customer information in WhatsApp will make managing customer details easier. They will not need separate tools or systems, which saves time and resources.

Also, this feature will make customer interactions better. Businesses can tailor their communications based on the notes they have, making customers feel more special. These notes will be private, seen only by the business, and customers will not know about them.

WhatsApp plans to share more details about this feature as they continue to work on it. The introduction of the contact note feature is part of WhatsApp’s efforts to improve the user experience and expand its business services.

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