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Stewart and Khan Discuss Big Tech Power, Highlighting Apple's Podcast Intervention

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Jon Stewart revealed something surprising on The Daily Show during a chat with Lina Khan, the head of the FTC. He mentioned that Apple stopped him from interviewing her for a podcast linked to his Apple TV+ series, The Problem with Jon Stewart. Stewart is known for talking about various issues without holding back, but he faced restrictions from Apple, which ran his show.

In his talk with Khan on The Daily Show, they delved into topics like what it means for a company to have too much power and ways to prevent companies from acting unfairly. They also discussed recent legal actions taken against big names like Amazon and Meta. however, Stewart let slip that Apple had asked him not to include Khan in his podcast. He questioned why Apple was so worried about these public discussions.

Khan has criticized big tech companies in the past. After she took over as FTC Chair in 2021, Amazon and Facebook tried to keep her away from any lawsuits involving them. They didn’t win, though. Stewart’s show tackled several sensitive issues, but it got canceled after two seasons because Stewart wouldn’t remove parts that Apple didn’t approve of. It’s said that topics such as AI and China were not allowed. China is a crucial market for Apple, which is also pouring money into AI.

This information came out just after the Department of Justice accused Apple of acting like a monopoly. Khan, when asked by Stewart about Apple’s dominance, mentioned the risks of letting a few companies control too much. This situation shows the difficulty of speaking freely on certain subjects when dealing with big companies.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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