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NYT's The Mini crossword answers for April 24

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The Mini is a bite-sized version of The New York Times‘ revered daily crossword. While the crossword is a lengthier experience that requires both knowledge and patience to complete, The Mini is an entirely different vibe.

With only a handful of clues to answer, the daily puzzle doubles as a speed-running test for many who play it.

So, when a tricky clue disrupts a player’s flow, it can be frustrating! If you find yourself stumped playing The Mini — much like with Wordle and Connections — we have you covered.

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Here are the clues and answers to NYT’s The Mini for Wednesday, April 24, 2024:


Speak with a gravelly voice

  • The answer is rasp.

Sound of an angry grunt

  • The answer is humph.

Very excited, with “up”

  • The answer is amped.

Lies around lazily

  • The answer is lolls.

Ridge on a guitar’s neck

  • The answer is fret.


Spot of tea?

The answer is rumor.


  • The answer is ample.

Ancient grain in a healthy cereal

  • The answer is spelt.

Degrees conferred after successful defenses

  • The answer is PhDs.

___-baked (unsound)

  • The answer is half.
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