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Instagram Adding “Poke” Feature and Other Updates

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People are reminiscing about the old “Poke” feature on Facebook lately. It’s a simple way to say “hi” that first appeared when Facebook started in 2004. Now, it’s making a comeback on Facebook, and soon, it will be on Instagram too.

A reverse engineer and mobile developer  named Alessandro Paluzzi found out that Instagram is working on bringing the “Poke” feature. You will see a raised hand icon next to the bell button on an Instagram profile. This icon will let you send a “Poke” to other users.

Paluzzi has a good history of finding out about upcoming features. He previously uncovered “Flipside”, a feature where you could create a second profile within your profile on Instagram. It was tested in some countries but later canceled.

But that’s not all Instagram is up to Meta, the company behind Instagram, recently launched the Meta AI chatbot on WhatsApp and Instagram. Alongside this, Instagram is improving its search function. Now, you can do AI searches right from the search bar.

And there’s more. Instagram’s popular feature Reels is getting an upgrade too. Soon, you’ll be able to use an AI voice dubbing feature. This feature will let you use your voice but in different languages.

These updates show that Instagram is constantly evolving to offer new and engaging features to its users. From bringing back old favorites like the “Poke” feature to introducing new AI-powered tools, Instagram is keeping things fresh and interesting for its community.

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