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Get a Blueair Air Purifier for 30% off at Amazon and breathe easy

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SAVE $70: As of April 24, get the Blueair Air Purifier for $159.99 at Amazon. That’s a discount of 30%.

Whether you have severe allergies or you sniffle here and there due to pet dander, dealing with not-so-fresh air in your home can be a nightmare. A runny nose can lead to head congestion and general discomfort along with clogged sinuses, and that’s a recipe for disaster during the warmer months. Get ahead of those headaches by introducing an air purifier into your home.

As of April 24, you can get the Blueair Air Purifier for just $159.99 at Amazon. That’s $70 off its normal price of $229.99 and a 30% discount.

This air purifier is part of the Blueair Pure Max series and is perfect for a medium-to-large–size room, as it can clean up to 929 square feet in just 30 minutes. With its proprietary HEPASilent cleaning tech, it claims to perform up to 83% faster with 50% less noise than competitors at just 23-50 dB. It can remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles with its carbon filter, including those that cause viruses, as well as smoke, pet dander, mold, dust, and pollen.

You can control the air purifier with its companion app which allows for real-time scheduling, air quality monitoring, and filter tracking. You’ll receive alerts when it’s time to swap out the filter so you won’t accidentally let it marinate in the unit too long. It also has geofencing abilities that can automatically power the unit off and on depending on when you leave or arrive at your home.

Mashable Deals

If clean air is a consistent issue for you in your home, let this smart unit do all the work while you enjoy the benefits. Everyone deserves fresh air to breathe, after all.
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