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5 Pre-Workout Snacks To Fuel Your Body

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Unique Health And Fitness • Jun 23, 2020

Whether you are an athlete or a fitness enthusiast, you may find yourself looking for ways to improve your performance and achieve your goals. Figuring out what to eat before beginning a workout can be a struggle and many dislike exercising after eating. However, in this case, the pros outweigh the cons, as eating something nutritious before your workout can help your body to perform better and recover faster after each workout.

It’s important to remember that our bodies build muscle and recover all day every day, not solely when exercising. Getting in the habit of smartly timing pre-workout snacks can give your body the fuel it needs to build muscle, burn fat, and recover. Here are some pre-workout snacks to fuel your fitness regimen!

5 Pre-Workout Snacks To Fuel Your Body

  1. Dried fruits. Consuming carbohydrates before exercising will effectively boost your energy levels. When we consume them, they are broken down into glucose, which gives our bodies the ability to perform at high capacities. Whether you prefer berries, apricots, or even pineapple, dried fruits are an excellent source of simple carbohydrates and are also easily digestible!
  2. Hard-boiled egg with toast . While consuming carbohydrates before exercising is very beneficial, consuming a little bit of protein before is also important. When exercising, especially lifting weights, small tears in our muscle fibers are created. In order for your body to repair these small tears and build up your muscles, it needs protein. With this snack, you get the best of both worlds! Eating a hard-boiled egg on whole-grain toast is not only a nutritious and filling choice, but it is also a super inexpensive and simple snack to prepare for yourself.
  3. Oats . Due to the fact that oats are loaded with fiber, they release carbohydrates gradually over time. The slow release of carbohydrates results in more consistent energy levels throughout your workout. This means that you will be able to train not only harder but for longer periods of time. Oats also are a great source of Vitamin B, which helps to convert any carbohydrates consumed into energy that will be greatly beneficial during a workout. Irish oats are typically the most popular because they are the least processed type of oats. So make sure you keep a lookout for them the next time you are at the grocery store!
  4. Trail mix . Although nuts do contain high-fat content, they provide protein and calories that are needed if your goal is to gain muscle mass. With that being said, if your goal is weight loss, trail mix may not be the best pre-workout snack for you. The pre-prepared trail mix that is found in supermarkets is a great choice as many do not contain a yogurt coating on the nuts, or chocolate pieces.
  5. Fruit smoothie . If dried fruits are off the table, a fruit smoothie is a great pre-workout snack. Plus, as your workout time gets closer, the less you will want to consume any solid foods. A fruit smoothie also offers an optimal amount of carbohydrates to fuel any workout and is a simple snack to prepare.

The Takeaway

Eating before working out is optional, and some may see it as a pain. However, being mindful about fueling your body and what specifically you are fueling it with can improve your training session. By simply eating a snack thirty to ninety minutes before your workout session, you can avoid bloating and perform not only harder but longer.

So, next time you find yourself feeling hungry or tired before your training session, preparing one of the snacks listed above could do the trick as they are great sources of carbohydrates and protein.

Unique Fitness offers 3 locations here on Long Island, each with their own style and focus, attracting people of all different ages, fitness levels, and abilities. Contact us today to claim your free 3-day trial membership .

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